Opiniones del público
“As a Houstonian of Hispanic origin and a person who appreciates the diversity of artistic cultural experiences, I welcome Gente de Teatro, a local Spanish language theatre production group, to the Uniquely Houston Partners of Hobby Center. Through the years, I have had the pleasure of attending many professional productions of Gente de Teatro. Now, I can share outstanding international dramatic productions with the growing Spanish speaking audience of this region”.
Dorothy E.F. Caram
Ed.D., Former Texas Commissioner on the Arts
“My colleagues and I make the two-hour drive to Houston to see all of Gente de Teatro's plays because of the high quality and professional performances this group produces time and again”.
Sarah M. Misemer, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Hispanic Theater
Department of Hispanic StudiesTexas A&M University
“I have attended most of the productions presented by Gente de Teatro over the years. They are the only Spanish-language theater group that has kept us abreast of the latest developments in theater productions in Spanish America. The actors that form part of this group are undoubtedly some of the best Hispanic actors in Texas. I saw the play Made in Argentina when it opened in Buenos Aires.
Gente de Teatro´s current production of the play is just as good, or maybe a tad better, than the original production".
Hector Urrutibeheity, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
Rice University
Nuestro logo
Nuestro logo ha sido diseñado por la artista argentina Florencia Salas.
Florencia Salas nació en Buenos Aires, Argentina, en 1962. Dibujante, escultora y escenógrafa, recibió las becas del Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana para Estudios en Bellas Artes, en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España (1983) y la Beca del Gobierno de México, en la Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas en la Universidad Autónoma de México (1991).
Ha realizado numerosas muestras colectivas e individuales, entre las que se destacan: Museo de Arte Moderno (Buenos Airess, 1990); Museo Eduardo Sívori (Buenos Aires, 1990); Museo Social Argentino (Buenos Aires, 1996); Centro Cultural San Martín (Buenos Aires, 1997); Galería IPCNA, Miraflores, Lima (Perú, 1998); Palacio de las Artes (Buenos Aires, 1999), Casa Hispanoamericana en Milán, (Milán, Italia, 2000), ArteBA (Buenos Aires, 2001), Galería Lo Scarabeo, (Buenos Aires, 2001), Espacio Giesso, (Bs As, 2001).